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Anyone applying for issuance of a licence must meet one of the following conditions regarding the knowledge of French:

  • have successfully taken the OACIQ examination drafted in French
  • have received, full time, no less than three years of secondary or post-secondary instruction provided in French
  • have passed the fourth or fifth year secondary level examinations in French as the first language.

Please note that the Charter of the French language recognizes that a person already has this knowledge if the person obtained a secondary school diploma in Québec as of the school year 1985-86.

In all other cases, this knowledge is evaluated by way of an examination administered by the Office québécois de la langue française. Proof of success in this examination will be required if a person who applies for an OACIQ licence takes the Organization’s examination in English and does not meet one of the above conditions regarding knowledge of French. 

The OQLF has implemented a new online platform for signing up for the French exam. It has been in force since March 8, 2021. For more information, please check this page.

New candidates

Candidates from whom the OQLF receives a registration confirmation will be invited to take the French exam, in groups of four, six or eight. These groups will be comprised of individuals wishing to become members of the same professional order [in this case, OACIQ licence holders]. If you fail, you will have to retake the entire exam.

The OQLF exam consists of four activities:

  1. A preparatory individual activity of reading and taking notes about a case study on the professional reality of the candidate
  2. A group oral expression activity where the case is discussed. An active participation in group discussions is mandatory to move on to other exam activities
  3. An individual written work on the case submitted
  4. An individual interview with the assessor about new case-related elements

Please register with the OQLF French exam portal (in French only) to find out about the upcoming exam dates on the calendar and to consult the OQLF’s detailed guide of the French exam.

Note: If you have to take the OQLF’s French exam to obtain a certificate, you must first be registered for the OACIQ examination. Here’s the procedure:

  • Create your online account with the OQLF
  • Submit your registration form to the OQLF
  • Wait for your registration to be validated by the OACIQ
  • Choose an exam date

Note: To sign up for the OQLF French exam or cancel your registration, you must contact the OQLF directly.


For more information, contact Info OACIQ.

Reference number
Last update
May 14, 2021