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Are you working in commercial real estate brokerage?

Commercial real estate brokerage requires specific training and knowledge. This is why we created this section especially for brokers acting in this area of practice. You will find therein several tools, including an FAQ and examples of standard clauses, as well as links to articles relating to your field of practice. Feel free to use or consult them. They will be useful to you in your practice.

FAQ on commercial real estate brokerage

Check the answers to frequently asked questions at Info OACIQ with regards to commercial real estate brokerage.

Articles on commercial real estate brokerage

To read all articles that are directly related to your practice, visit the Library of articles.

Library of articles on commercial real estate brokerage

Working group on commercial real estate brokerage

In order to give commercial real estate brokers a forum where they can exchange on the issues and problems specific to their activity sector, the OACIQ has set up a working group made up of a dozen brokers who work in this area. This group, which meets regularly, has made its mission to find potential solutions to make sure the field evolves with the market.

Learn more about the working group on commercial real estate brokerage

Forms and standard notices

The table below includes all the forms and standard clauses that can be used in various commercial real estate transactions or for the sale of an immovable other than a chiefly residential immovable containing less than five dwellings.

These forms and standard clauses are all available on the InstanetFormsTM platform.

Transaction types:

Sale of an immovable (other than a chiefly residential immovable containing less than five dwellings)

Exclusive brokerage contract – Sale – Immovable (BCG)

Promise to purchase – Immovable (PPG)

Sale of an enterprise including a commercial immovable

Exclusive brokerage contract – Sale – Immovable (BCG)

Promise to purchase – Immovable (PPG)

Leasing of a commercial space

Exclusive brokerage contract – Commercial lease (BCC)

Promise to lease – Commercial (PLC)

Sale of an enterprise excluding any immovable

Exclusive brokerage contract – Sale of enterprise excluding any immovable (ACAIQ), except clause 11.3 which is inapplicable

Promise to purchase – Enterprise excluding any immovable (ACAIQ), except clause 11.3 which is inapplicable

Reference number
Last update
August 25, 2023