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Prohibition of double representation

In June 2022, the Minister of Finance has proposed amendments to the Real Estate Brokerage Act (REBA) to strengthen consumer protection by prohibiting double representation and verbal brokerage contracts in residential real estate brokerage in Quebec.1

Like the British Columbia regulator, Quebec prohibits real estate brokers from representing both parties to a real estate transaction simultaneously and from being bound by a brokerage contract to each of them.

The real estate regulators in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick also impose strict oversight of these situations.

1. What does the double representation prohibition mean?

2. What are the transactions involved?

3. What are the real estate broker's obligations when a double representation situation arises?

3.1 Why is double representation prohibited, and what are the various steps to follow?

4. What are the agency executive officer's obligations when an agency broker faces a double representation situation?

5. What are the applicable double representation measures for brokers working in a team?

6. When should the brokerage contract to purchase be terminated in a situation of double representation?

7. Will there be exceptions to the double representation prohibition?

8. What does providing fair treatment mean?

9. When providing fair treatment to a party, does the real estate broker have an obligation to disclose factors relevant to the property and provide the content of the DS?

10. What does representing a client mean?

11. Is it possible to represent a buyer without signing a brokerage contract to purchase?

12. Is a collaborating broker without a brokerage contract covered by professional liability insurance?

13. How is compensation shared between a seller's broker and a buyer's broker who signed a BCP?

14. Is there a time frame for the implementation of the amendments to the REBA that came into force on June 10, 2022?

15. If a promise to purchase is drafted and signed by the buyer before June 10, 2022, can it be handled according to the rules that were in effect before June 10?

16. Can the amount of remuneration that the seller's broker pays to the broker who has a brokerage contract to purchase be different from the amount paid to the collaborating broker without a brokerage contract? Can he indicate in the brokerage contract to sell and in the description sheet that the remuneration sharing will be different depending on whether or not the broker has a brokerage contract?

17. Can the seller's broker who provides fair treatment recommend to buyers a particular broker or brokers to represent them? Can the seller's broker be compensated for referring buyers to a particular broker?

18. Is it mandatory on June 10, 2022 for a broker wishing to represent a tenant to enter into a brokerage contract with him? Can the BCP form be used with adaptations?

19. How can the recent changes to the REBA be aligned with the issue of efficient cause of sale?

20. What forms should be used to represent the seller (or lessor) and the buyer (or lessee)?

21. Why have a form non-exclusive brokerage contracts to sell? Are all brokers now required to offer non-exclusive brokerage?

Reference number
Last update
October 24, 2023