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4 Qualifications for AEO, Certified AEO and Certified licences

4.1 Licence holder who wishes to hold the position of agency executive officer 

Each agency must have an agency executive officer qualified to act in this capacity. The AEO’s role is crucial: he is in charge of the selection, supervision and oversight of al l the agency’s brokers in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act.1 In addition, the AEO is responsible for implementing and enforcing a Compliance Program within his agency.

To be able to act as agency executive officer, a real estate broker must first obtain the “Certified AEO”2 designation by completing an  agency executive officer basic training program recognized by the OACIQ. He must also pass the skills-based examination for agency executive officers and show that he has worked for an agency for at least 3 of the last 5 years. Once these conditions are met, he may request the addition of the “Certified AEO” designation to his licence by emailing the Application for licence modification – Real estate broker to, along with the applicable fees. A confirmation will be sent to him by email when the change is effective.

Special cases (before May 1, 2010)

A real estate broker who is a former “affiliated real estate agent” must successfully complete a basic training program for agency executive officers recognized by the OACIQ and pass the OACIQ skills-based examination for agency executive officers, as indicated in section 2 of the article Mandatory basic training: Becoming agency executive officer or acting on your own accountOnce his training is complete, the broker must notify the Certification Department by email.

A broker who is a former “certified real estate agent” is exempted from the obligation to take the basic training for agency executive officers and to pass the OACIQ skills-based examination. However, he must complete the Mandatory Continuing Education Program for agency executive officers, as indicated in section 3 of the article Mandatory basic training: Becoming agency executive officer or acting on your own account.

In both cases, and in addition to the above, the licensee must show that he has worked as a real estate broker for at least 3 of the last 5 years (either on his own account or for an agency). Once these conditions have been met, to add the qualification “certified AEO” to his licence, he must complete and email the Application for licence modification – Real estate broker to, making sure to include the applicable fees.

1Sections 19 and 20 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act.
2Section 34 of the Regulation respecting broker’s and agency licences.

4.1.1 Appointment of a new agency executive officer

For various reasons, a real estate agency may need to appoint a new AEO. In such a case, the prospective real estate broker who is qualified as agency executive officer “Certified AEO” to replace the current AEO must complete and email the form Appointment of agency executive officer (PDF) to the Certification Department the form Appointment of agency executive officer (PDF). This form must be signed by the current AEO or by the administrator of the legal person or corporation, as well as by the new AEO. After this, an adequate transfer of knowledge of the agency’s operations must take place to ensure a smooth transition.

Important! If the new agency executive officer has not managed an agency in the past or in the last two years, he must have completed, within the last two years preceding his appointment, the following self-study courses:

If not, he must complete these courses before he can act as agency executive officer.

Development of the Compliance Program

Following his appointment, the new AEO will have 30 days to develop a written Compliance Program if the agency doesn’t already have one in place, or to make the necessary adjustments to the existing program. In both cases, the Compliance Program must meet OACIQ requirements and the agency executive officer must undertake to abide by it.

Among other elements, the Compliance Program must include a component on the regulatory requirements arising from the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). For more information, read the guideline Preventing money laundering and real estate fraud.

4.2 “Certified AEO” licence holder 

The “Certified AEO” designation on a licence means that the broker is qualified to act as agency executive officer. The broker maintains this title notably by completing the mandatory continuing education activities required. This designation requires the highest number of continuing education units (CEUs) under the Mandatory Continuing Education Program (MCEP).

In this case, a “Certified AEO” broker therefore possesses the necessary experience and management skills to act as agency executive officer. However, being qualified as AEO “Certified AEO” does not automatically mean that this broker occupies the position of agency executive officer. A broker who does act as AEO is identified as such in the Register of licence holders.

A real estate broker who does not wish to keep his qualification as agency executive officer may request to have his licence modified. To do so, he must complete the form Application for licence modification – Real estate broker (PDF) and forward it to the OACIQ Certification Department along with the applicable fees. Without this qualification, the number of CEUs which the licence holder must obtain under the current MCEP cycle will decrease to match that of real estate brokers. See the MCEP FAQ for full details.

A licence holder who no longer holds the AEO designation but who wishes to act as such will have to complete a basic training program for agency executive officers accredited by the OACIQ and pass the Organization’s skills-based certification examination and show that he has worked for an agency for at least 3 of the last 5 years when submitting his new application for qualification. 

4.3 “Certified” licence holder

A broker whose licence simply bears the mention “Certified,” indicating that the licence was issued prior to May 1, 2010 under the former Real Estate Brokerage Act (former certified real estate broker, certified real estate agent or affiliated real estate broker), has the management skills needed to act as agency executive officer, but he must also show that he has professional experience, i.e. has worked as a broker for at least 3 of the last 5 years (on his own account or for an agency), and has completed in advance the required training courses to be qualified as agency executive officer. 

Reference number
Last update
September 23, 2024