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5 Feedback

The agency executive officer and the broker acting on his own account must meet with brokers and employees at least once a year to provide feedback.

Conducting an annual assessment of broker and employee compliance performance is a practice that must be incorporated into monitoring activities to allow for required actions to be taken.

Feedback can also be used to encourage brokers to spread their mandatory continuing education courses over the two-year reference periods and help them select topics that suit their needs.

The agency executive officer must properly document the control and supervision measures implemented with brokers and perform the appropriate follow-ups. Any significant shortcomings must be monitored more closely, and those that pose a significant risk to the agency (for example, those that are recurring or are likely to harm the client) must be brought to the attention of the agency's administrators, if applicable. Documenting control and supervision measures and follow-ups with staff working for the agency or for the broker acting on his own account is also recommended.

Any incident should be followed up such as closer monitoring or coaching. In some cases, a single incident may be enough to prevent a licensee from acting for an agency. In other cases, it is the recurrence of shortcomings or incidents that may prompt an agency executive officer to terminate the business relationship with the licensee.

In addition, when a deficiency or incident is noted, the agency executive officer or the broker acting on his own account must properly assess the resulting risk and take the necessary actions to limit this risk, including filing an assistance request with the OACIQ. The protection of the public must guide the agency executive officer and the broker acting on his own account in this assessment.

When the agency, the agency executive officer, and the agency brokers have been inspected by the Inspection Department, the agency executive officer must pay particular attention to the content of the reports that are sent to him after the inspection. It is important that appropriate corrective measures be implemented to remedy the identified deficiencies, and that the agency executive officer follow up with his brokers.

Reference number
Last update
April 5, 2022