Are you registered for the public prescription drug insurance plan of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ)? Make sure to comply with the membership criteria because the RAMQ is keeping a close watch on things!
Only the following individuals are eligible for the public plan:
- Those who are not eligible for a private plan
- Holders of a claim booklet issued by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale
- Individuals aged 65 years and over
Once you meet the eligibility criteria for a private plan, you must cancel your registration with the RAMQ and choose a private drug insurance plan. You can choose to participate in your spouse's plan, the plan offered by your franchise or banner, if applicable, or a company program of your choice if possible. However, this program must meet the requirements of the Act respecting prescription drug insurance, notably be offered to a group of individuals determined in accordance with section 15.1 of this Act.
The RAMQ would like to point out that an individual registered for the public plan while being eligible for a private plan shall reimburse the amount of prescription drugs paid during the ineligibility period. Please note that checks are carried out on a regular basis by the Régie.
Not registered at all?
Those who chose not to register for any prescription drug insurance plan risk having to reimburse the government, sooner or later. Since you have the obligation to be covered by a prescription drug insurance plan, Revenu Québec might ask you to pay back an amount equal to the public plan’s premium for all the months you were not covered.
To learn more about the rules of the prescription drug insurance in Québec, download this RAMQ pamphlet. The RAMQ online service is available at You can also contact the RAMQ at 1-800-561-9749 Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Click here for the clarifications provided by the RAMQ about the public prescription drug insurance plan.