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1. What is the normal processing time for an application submitted to the Certification Department?

2. How do I know if my application has been processed?

3. Can an application be processed for an earlier date, i.e. retroactively?

4. Can an application be processed at a later date?

5. How to apply for an agency licence?

6. What are the requirements regarding the naming of my agency?

7. I own a company and would like to get an agency licence. Do I have to be a broker licence holder?

8. Why does the OACIQ check criminal records when examining a licence issuance application?

9. What information shall I report in the Declarations section of the Application for licence issuance form?

10. Do I need to fill out a form to request a suspension or revocation of the agency licence?

11. What are the agency’s duties and obligations when its licence is revoked or suspended?

12. The OACIQ Discipline Committee decided to suspend my agency licence. How will this suspension be applied?

13. What should I do if my agency licence is suspended and I wish to reactivate it?

14. What should I do if my agency licence is revoked and I wish to reactivate it?

15. What information do I need to update for the agency to comply with section 10 of the Regulation respecting broker’s and agency licences?

16. When and how to update the agency information?

17. What are the consequences if I fail to update the agency information?

18. What will happen to the agency licence if the legal person or partnership went bankrupt?

19. How to change the agency name?

20. What is the procedure to change the address of an agency?

21. What is the procedure for adding or closing an agency establishment?

22. What shall I do to transfer a broker to another establishment of my agency?

23. I have terminated the activities of one of my brokers and no longer wish to have him associated with my agency on the Register of licence holders. What shall I do?

24. What is the procedure to appoint a new agency executive officer?

25. What will happen to my agency if my agency executive officer leaves, no longer has a valid licence or lost his qualifications?

26. What is the procedure to appoint a signing officer? Are there any forms to complete and fees to pay?

27. How can I obtain privileged access to for an agency collaborator or withdraw this access?

28. Can I act as agency executive officer if the Licence Issue and Maintenance Committee (LIMC) imposes measures on my licence?

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Reference number
Last update
May 2, 2024