FAQ for training providers
If you have any questions, please contact the OACIQ Training Department by email at accreditation@oaciq.com, or by telephone at 450-462-9800 or 1-800-440-7170.
1) Why does the OACIQ need to analyze a training activity before accrediting it?
The training activity you submit must be analyzed to ensure that it meets the eligibility criteria and the requirements of the Mandatory Continuing Education Program, as well as the expectations of licence holders in terms of rigour and quality.
For more information on eligibility criteria, see the General accreditation procedure for continuing education activities.
2) How long does it take to obtain the accreditation of a continuing education activity?
The duration of the analysis varies depending on the nature of the training activity. However, the OACIQ undertakes to respond to an accreditation application within a maximum period of 45 days.
3) What can I do to make sure I get my accreditation on time?
To ensure you get a training accreditation before the first presentation of the activity, you must:
- Send the accreditation application at least 45 days before the specified date to meet the OACIQ analysis period;
- Include in your application all the documents described in section III of the accreditation application.
4) What documents shall I include in my accreditation application?
According to section III of the accreditation application, you must include:
- Duly completed application for accreditation;
- A training plan listing the topics covered;
- Complete training documents (participant’s guide, trainer’s PowerPoint, Word or PDF presentation, access codes for online training activities);
- Information to assess the competence and probity of each trainer (curriculum vitae, contact details, licence number of the OACIQ or another professional association);
- Payment of analysis fee.
Note that the analysis of an accreditation application officially starts when all the required documents are included in the file.
5) Is there any other information on my training content that the OACIQ could ask me?
During the analysis, the advisor may ask the provider to submit a detailed content plan if training documents or materials are not sufficiently specific.
Providers may refer to this example of a one-hour fictitious training to learn how to prepare such a document.
6) Can the OACIQ require changes to the training submitted so it can be accredited?
Yes. Changes to the training may be requested from the provider to ensure compliance with the Mandatory Continuing Education Program. In this case, an advisor from the Continuing Education Department will contact the provider to explain the requested changes.
7) Does the number of CEUs awarded still correspond to the number of hours of a training activity?
No. The number of CEUs awarded for a training activity corresponds to the duration occupied by the eligible content in the presentation. Therefore, no CEU will be allocated for a training portion dealing with a topic or activity that is not eligible under the Program.
8) How will I know if my accreditation application has been approved?
A letter of acceptance of the accreditation application will be emailed to you once the analysis process is completed. Keep this letter on record.
9) How long will my training accreditation be in effect?
Any continuing education activity is accredited until April 30, 2025, i.e. the end of the 2023-2025 cycle, regardless of the date when the accreditation application was made.
10) Will participants who attend a training activity prior to this training accreditation be entitled to receive CEUs once the application is accepted?
No. CEUs cannot be awarded retroactively. Be cautious and transparent when promoting a training activity that has not yet been accredited. Do not lead others to believe that it will be accredited by indicating an estimated number of CEUs.
11) What shall I provide for the description of my training activity that will be posted on the Professional Development Portal?
The Application for accreditation of a training activity includes a section where you can enter the following information:
- A brief description of the training announcing the topic covered in order to arouse the interest of participants;
- The training objectives, that is to say the behaviours expected by participants who attended the training;
- The training flow, i.e. the agenda or the table of contents of this training, based on your presentation plan.
12) I want to make sure that my training topic is eligible. What are these topics?
To be eligible under the Program, the training activity must deal with at least one of the subject matters referred to in section 49 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences, including:
- General or special legal rules that apply to brokerage transactions described in section 3.1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (CQLR, c. C-73.2);
- Any legislative or regulatory reform that may affect the activities of brokers and agencies;
- The content, use and drafting of contracts and forms relating to brokerage transactions described in section 3.1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act;
- Any material, physical or environmental consideration that may affect the object of a brokerage transaction described in section 3.1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act;
- Ethics and professional conduct of brokers and agency executive officers;
- management of the professional activities of brokers and agency executive officers;
- Assessment of the value of an immovable or enterprise;
- Assessment of the quality and construction features of an immovable;
- Financial implications of transactions described in section 3.1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act; and
- Financing of transactions described in section 3.1 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act.
13) What shall I do to ensure that my training meets the requirement of supporting the OACIQ’s mission, which is the protection of the public?
Learnings acquired during your training must not only benefit licence holders, but also consumers who enlist their services. Make sure that the documents presented to participants help them fulfil their protection obligation towards any person who uses their services, regardless of the subject matter covered.
14) What shall I do to ensure that my training encourages ethical behaviours that are in line with the legal brokerage environment?
An accredited training activity must not only provide the practising broker with useful technical information, but should also propose a way to use this information that respects laws, ethics and professional conduct. Make sure that the actions highlighted in your training abide by this principle.
15) How shall I structure my training to ensure that it focuses on learning and has educational value?
For a training to have educational value and to assure brokers that the quality of this accredited training activity is consistent from one session to another, it must include:
- Learning objectives known to participants; they may thus assess their ability to achieve them;
- A presentation plan reflecting a progression aimed at developing skills;
- Provide for interactions with participants to ensure an active learning;
- The training activity must help participants achieve the identified goals.
For a self-study activity, participants must also be able to intervene and be active to show their understanding of the training, so that CEUs can be granted to them.
16) The training activity must be in line with the OACIQ’s position-taking. What does this mean?
The teachings transmitted by the providers cannot clash with those of the OACIQ, to avoid any confusion among brokers, and to protect the public.
17) What form should take a training activity to have a clear and direct link with brokerage practice and professional development needs?
A training activity that covers a relevant general topic (e.g. sale and marketing, time and priority management) and has educational value will be accredited if it is specifically intended for brokers by having clear and direct links with real estate brokerage practice. Make sure these links are numerous in the training plan, the submitted presentation or any other relevant document.
18) Why should the training title clearly reflect its content?
The title of a training activity must help participants to quickly identify the subject matter of training or the main skills covered. Even if you want to describe your training activity in a more original way, the training title must respect the identification conventions specific to educational activities.
19) What are the features of an eligible self-study activity?
The login information needed to assess a self-study activity must be included in the accreditation application.
The training must have a programming architecture that facilitates learning:
- The self-study activity must have a mechanism that controls its duration to prevent participants from speeding it up as they wish.
- The self-study activity must provide for mandatory periods of interaction with participants, through learning validation questions or any other activity that requires their participation to be able to pursue the activity.
Training session recordings, presented offline without any interaction with participants, are therefore not eligible training activities.
20) How will participants who attend training activities receive their CEUs? What role should I play as a provider?
You are responsible for submitting to the OACIQ an attendance list of participants who attended your training activity, within 72 hours following its delivery. You will be able to send the information of participants who completed the entire training via secure access to an online communication tool. The procedure will be sent to you in the confirmation letter of the training accreditation.
21) Can the OACIQ attend my training activity or perform other types of quality control?
Yes. The OACIQ can carry out quality control of any accredited training activity. The provider shall use the appreciation questionnaires provided by the OACIQ and respond to any inquiries to help assess teaching quality. In some cases, the OACIQ may require to attend a pilot training before accrediting a training, or to watch a training session recording.
22) How can I renew my training accreditation?
You must complete the accreditation application and indicate in section II (Type of request and fee schedule) that this is a renewal request of a training that was accredited during the current cycle of the MCEP.
Make sure to send a complete application on time to avoid stoppage of training.
23) During the training, can I promote other professional services I offer or promote a company or product?
No, a training activity focused on promoting products and services is not eligible, even if it is only a portion of the training.
24) I am a trainer who delivered trainings on behalf of a provider who had a training activity accredited. Can I deliver this training on my own account once my employment relationship with the provider is terminated?
No, unless authorized by the provider in writing. As the accreditation application pertains to him, he may choose another trainer to deliver the training. However, the provider may allow you to use this previously accredited training. If you decide to change it to be able to deliver it yourself, make sure you do not violate any provisions of the Copyright Act.
- Reference number
- 206680
- Last update
- May 30, 2023