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The OACIQ, from yesterday to today

Although created officially in 2010, the OACIQ has a rich history that began in the 1950’s. The following timeline provides an overview of the various milestones and events that marked its current mission.

1954 - The Corporation des courtiers

The Corporation des courtiers en immeubles de la province de Québec is created on January 13, 1954

Beginning with a handful of members and very limited resources, the Corporation focuses on public protection and on advancing the professional interests of real estate brokers.

1962 - Real Estate Brokerage Act

The first Real Estate Brokerage Act is adopted.

1967 - Amendment to the Real Estate Brokerage Act

The Real Estate Brokerage Act is amended to create the Service de courtage immobilier, a government agency responsible for regulating and issuing permits.

The Corporation des courtiers en immeubles collaborates with the Service.

1972 - Succession of the Quebec Real Estate Association (QREA)

The Corporation des courtiers en immeubles is succeeded by the non-profit Quebec Real Estate Association (QREA).

Although this professional association does not have any powers under the Real Estate Brokerage Act, it sets standards for professional conduct and training.

1973 - Professional Code

The Québec government adopts a Professional Code to ensure the protection of the public while allowing professional corporations to remain autonomous (e.g. Collège des médecins, Chambre des notaires, Barreau du Québec).

1983 - QREA

Although not a professional corporation, the QREA develops its ability to self-manage and to differentiate between "protecting the public" and "defending the rights of its members".

1985 - The Real Estate Indemnity Fund (FICI) is created

The Real Estate Indemnity Fund (FICI) is created under the Real Estate Brokerage Act.

This government agency provides free protection to sellers, buyers and lessees in case of fraud, dishonest tactics or misappropriation of funds committed by real estate brokers or agents in the course of their activities.

1988 - Increase in the number of QREA members

The number of QREA members reaches over 13,000, from 4,000 in 1974. This growth gives the profession the resources it needs to reach its objectives.

1994 - A new Real Estate Brokerage Act comes into force

A new Real Estate Brokerage Act comes into force, creating the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec (ACAIQ), which replaces the QREA.

The ACAIQ’s mission signals an era of change. Bringing together Québec’s 18,000 real estate brokers and agents, the ACAIQ is entrusted with the responsibility of enforcing the Real Estate Brokerage Act and the regulations thereunder, enacted in August 1993.

2006 - FARCIQ creation

The Fonds d’assurance responsabilité professionnelle du courtage immobilier du Québec (FARCIQ) begins operations for all Québec real estate brokers and agents.

2007 - A draft revision of the Real Estate Brokerage Act 

To better respond to changing needs, a draft revision of the Real Estate Brokerage Act is tabled in December.

2008 - Adoption of the new version of the Real Estate Brokerage Act

The new version of the Real Estate Brokerage Act is approved and adopted by the National Assembly in May.

Its purpose is to reform the oversight of real estate brokerage in Québec and overhaul its regulations. The ACAIQ is poised to become the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ).

2010 - L’ACAIQ becomes l’OACIQ

2010 - ACAIQ becomes OACIQ

2011 - The OACIQ tables its first Annual Report

In March, the OACIQ tables its first Annual Report.

In the fall, the Think about it advertising campaign is launched. Dedicated to increasing awareness of the indispensable role of the broker, the campaign is aimed at both consumers and real estate professionals. The results are excellent: the microsite receives over 300,000 hits and members of the public say they are increasingly likely to use the services of a real estate or mortgage broker.

2012 - The “Real Estate Summit”

In February, many of the profession’s stakeholders meet for a one-day event called the “Real Estate Summit”.

2013 - A basic training recognized by the Organization

On September 1st, any person wishing to become a licensed broker by the OACIQ must successfully complete a basic training recognized by the Organization before writing an exam, which is also designed by the OACIQ.

The OACIQ’s Internal By-laws were amended to create two new positions on the board of directors, representing mortgage brokers and commercial real estate brokers.

2014 - New tools

The Organization posted online several new tools to better inform the public, including:

  • An improved version of its website;
  • A new edition of the popular Seller’s Guide and Buyer’s Guide;
  • A full version of the Register of licence holders accessible through the Check a broker's record  tool.

This register allows, in particular, to know what trainings the broker has completed and whether his licence has already been suspended.


2015 - The year was marked by two significant achievements

The year was marked by two significant achievements for the protection of the public: The coming into force, on May 1, of the Mandatory Continuing Education Program for all brokers, as well as the involvement of the OACIQ in the review process of the Real Estate Brokerage Act by the Ministère des Finances du Québec.

The OACIQ submitted an extensive brief to the Ministry of Finance that included various concrete improvements to enable it to continue fulfilling its mission as a regulator.

A content partnership was concluded with Protégez-Vous to better inform and assist the public.  

2016 - The new President and CEO of the OACIQ took office

In May, the new President and CEO of the OACIQ, Nadine Lindsay, took office.   

The OACIQ aligned its actions with a new vision and new inspiring values: leadership, competence and integrity.   

2017 - The OACIQ started its 2017-2019 strategic plan

The OACIQ started its 2017-2019 strategic plan, which focused on four major directions, namely:

2018 - Adoption of Bill 141

The adoption of Bill 141 by Finance Minister Carlos Leitão introduces major changes to the Real Estate Brokerage Act. Well-prepared, the OACIQ starts implementing them.

2019 - The OACIQ continues to be a trusted ambassador.

  • A new mandatory continuing education cycle was launched in May.
  • A new version of the three-year strategic plan was introduced, focusing on the future and sustainability of the Organization.

  • We prepared the transfer of the mortgage brokerage supervision to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

  • The activities of FARCIQ were integrated into those of the OACIQ.

2020 - The year was marked by the start of the global pandemic

The year was marked by the start of the global pandemic. In addition to informing consumers and licensees about the health measures to be respected during real estate transactions, the OACIQ has continued to promote the protections offered by the Act.

On May 1, 2020, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has officially started supervising mortgage brokerage. This transfer of supervision is part of the amendments made by the recent Act mainly to improve the regulation of the financial sector, the protection of deposits of money and the operation of financial institutions.

2021 - The overheated housing market

Faced with the overheated housing market, the Organization implemented three initiatives to protect consumers: a new mandatory training course for residential real estate brokers, a public awareness campaign and an additional initiative to its prevention program–mystery shoppers.

2022 - Booming housing market

After months of real estate boom, consumers are now facing an inflationary surge marked, among other things, by an increase in interest rates that is also affecting the housing market.

2023 - A turning point for the OACIQ

The year 2023 was a turning point for the OACIQ, notably with the integration of artificial intelligence, the modernization of its management tools and the automation of several processes.

2024 - A year of transformation

The year 2024 was a year of transformation for the OACIQ, marked by the modernization, strengthening of licensees’ oversight, and optimization of communications, notably thanks to the outstanding performance of Élise, our virtual conversational agent assisted by artificial intelligence.

Reference number
Last update
August 10, 2022