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Legal resources at your disposal to protect your interests

During your transaction, your broker may refer you to a recognized legal expert, such as a lawyer or notary, to answer your legal questions and protect the interests of the various parties to a transaction1.

When it comes to contractual relationships or latent defects for example, it is recommended to seek more in-depth legal knowledge. In addition, certain situations may be covered by laws other than the Real Estate Brokerage Act, such as the Civil Code of Quebec.

If the nature of the question is covered by the Real Estate Brokerage Actyou may contact the information centre Info OACIQ. The Info OACIQ agents are your front-line resources, especially regarding your broker's ethical obligations or brokerage forms. However, note that they cannot at any time give a legal opinion. They will instead refer you to the appropriate legal resources based on your needs, such as the

1 Section 80 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising (“RBR”).

Reference number
Last update
December 8, 2020