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  5. A balanced board of directors to protect the public

A balanced board of directors to protect the public

October 8, 2024

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Why aren't there more residential real estate brokers on the OACIQ Board of Directors?

The Real Estate Brokerage Act provides for a Board comprised of 12 directors appointed or elected for a three-year term. The Quebec Finance Minister appoints six directors who are neither real estate brokers nor directors or executive officers of an agency. The other six members are elected by their peers, three of whom are residential real estate brokers and three are commercial real estate brokers.

The role of the directors is to ensure the proper management of the OACIQ, in compliance with its public protection mission, without representing any specific group. The appointed directors do not represent the Ministry of Finance, just as the elected directors do not represent real estate brokers. This allows the Board of Directors to make independent decisions, free from any influence, in the best interest of the organization and the public.


Louis Beauchamp

Vice-président communications de l'OACIQ

Reference number
Last update
October 8, 2024

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