Interested in a property?
You have found a property you would like to buy?
You are now ready for your broker to draft a Promise to purchase. By so doing, you undertake to purchase the seller’s property at the price and under the conditions indicated in your offer. By accepting your promise to purchase, the seller undertakes to sell it to you, probably subject to certain conditions on both parts (financing, inspection, etc.).
4 The inspection
It is highly recommended to have the property under consideration inspected. For your protection, the OACIQ has entered into agreements with various associations of building inspectors who have undertaken to follow pre-established criteria.
Your broker has an obligation to recommend that you have the property inspected. He may provide you with a list of inspectors or professionals (e.g. architect, building technologist or structural engineer) who meet the following requirements:
- Have professional liability insurance covering fault, errors and omission;
Use a recognized inspection service agreement;
Perform inspections according to recognized building inspection standards;
Submit a written report to the party that requested the inspection services.
The inspector you choose will evaluate everything that is visible: structure, roof, plumbing, electrical, etc. When you receive the inspection report, review it carefully and ask the inspector any questions you may have.
Sale without legal warranty of quality: An inspection is all the more necessary. It will complement the information contained in the Declarations by the seller of the immovable by going deeper. It will also show that you acted prudently.

Good to know
If you refuse the pre-purchase inspection, your broker will indicate this on your Promise to purchase. However, if a problem occurs with the property and you wish to take legal action, the court will question whether you acted diligently, and the fact that you refused the inspection could work against you.
Divided co-ownership
You may limit the inspection to the private portion, but it is highly recommended to have the common portions inspected as well.
Income property
It is recommended to have all the dwellings inspected. If there is a service basement, it should also be inspected. Depending on the age of the building or the area, the inspector may suggest additional verifications.
New construction
It is just as important to have it inspected, because an inspection could uncover problems that you can then have the builder or developer correct.