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Interested in a property?

4 articles to read in this section

1 The Promise to purchase

Depending on the type of property, your broker will use one of these mandatory Promise to purchase forms designed by the OACIQ:

Talk it over with your broker

Ask him to explain all the clauses to make sure you understand them clearly.


Good to know

Understanding the clauses

1 - Identification of the parties

2 - Objet de la promesse d’achat

3 - Summary description of the immovable

4 - Price and deposit

5 - Method of payment

6 - New hypothecary loan

7 - Declarations and obligations of the buyer

8 - Inspection by a person chosen by the buyer

9 - Review of documents by the buyer

10 - Declarations and obligations of the seller

11 - Declarations and obligations common to the buyer and the seller

12 - Other declarations and conditions

13 - Annexes

14 - Conditions of acceptance

15 - Interpretation

16 - Signatures


Take time with your broker to check the dates entered for occupancy, adjustments (including the date at which you become responsible for property taxes and utilities), and signing of the deed of sale. To avoid any misunderstanding, the phrase “To be determined” should never be entered in lieu of a date on the Promise to purchase.