3 Residential leasing
General information
Since your services may also be retained for residential leasing or the marketing of a multi-unit property, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various concepts that impact your work. Remember, however, to use caution and not to offer legal advice.
If necessary, refer the parties to a lawyer or to the Tribunal administratif du logement.
See the article Leasing to read about the role of the broker in a residential leasing situation.

Duties and obligations of the broker
The ethical obligations of the broker are the same in the context of short-term rentals of less than 31 days for cottages, houses or apartments in a tourism context, even if these activities do not constitute leases of dwellings.
Read the article Abiding by the Act respecting Tourist Accommodation Establishments for more information on the verifications that a broker must do in this situation.
The broker must also comply with the provisions of this Act for Airbnb-type rentals, whether these constitute the lessor’s principal or secondary residence. The article Airbnb-type short-term tourist rental restrictions describes the conduct to adopt in these situations, including for short-term rentals of co-ownership property units.
- Reference number
- 264746
- Last update
- December 16, 2022