- File number
- 33-03-0686
- Licence number
- B2434
- Decision
- Notice of suspension
Notice of suspension of the certificate
of Mr. Mario Bouchard
File no.: 33-03-0686
NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Mario Bouchard, affiliated real estate agent (B2434) while he was employed by/authorized to act on behalf of Immeubles Damlobec inc., chartered real estate broker (A3708) whose establishment is located at 1276 Sacré-Cœur Blvd. in Saint-Félicien, has been the subject of a complaint before the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, alleging the following:
1st count: In Saint-Félicien, in August 2002, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by;
a) falsely designating Denis Brossard as a buyer on a promise to purchase and by having the actual buyer sign this name in the space provided for the buyer’s signature on a promise to purchase;
b) falsely designating Denis Brossard as a tenant to a lease, and by having the actual tenant sign this name in the space provided for the signature of a tenant to a lease;
c) leading the co-seller on a brokerage contract to believe that the buyer’s name was Denis Brossard;
contrary to section 13 of the des Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ.
2nd count: In Saint-Félicien, during the months of July and August 2002, failing to, without delay, send to the manager of the place of business to which he is assigned the information and documents that the latter requires in order to maintain the records, books and registers provided for in Chapter XI of the By-Law of the ACAIQ, namely a promise to purchase and a lease, contrary to section 147 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ.
3rd count: In Saint-Félicien, on or around August 8, 2002, when drafting a promise to purchase, failing to using the mandatory content indicated on the form entitled “Annex A-Immovable” and the prescribed format, contrary to sections 87 and 88 and to Schedule 2 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ and to section 26 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Real Estate Brokerage Act.
Mr. Mario Bouchard’s certificate has been temporarily suspended since September 24, 2003.
On June 7, 2004, the Discipline Committee rendered the following decision:
On the first count, the Committee prohibits the defendant from submitting an application for reinstatement of his certificate or an application for the issuance of a real estate agent certificate or any other certificate under the Real Estate Brokerage Act and its regulations, from the date of this decision forward;
Consequently orders the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec to deny any application for reinstatement of the certificate issued in the defendant’s name or any application for the issuance in his name of any other certificate under the Real Estate Brokerage Act and its regulations, from the date of this decision forward;
On the second and third counts, the Committee orders the defendant to pay fines.
The Discipline Committee’s decision, rendered in accordance with section 156 of the Professional Code, is effective as of the date of service, i.e. June 15, 2004. Therefore, the suspension of Mr. Mario Bouchard’s affiliated real estate certificate becomes permanent as of this date.
This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1).
Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, July 15, 2004
Diane Heppell
Discipline Committee Secretary