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File number
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Notice of suspension

Notice of suspension of the certificate
of Mr. Pierre Paquette

File: 33-05-0855

NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Pierre Paquette, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B2055), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of La Capitale des Sommets, chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. C5095), whose establishment is located at 545 Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Blvd., Suite 120 in Beloeil, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below:

1st count: With respect to an immovable, failing to demonstrate integrity, participating in an act that is derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in an act of practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely:

a) on or around March 29, 2004, by signing, in lieu and stead of his client, an Amendments form and by signing as witness to his client’s signature;

b) on or around June 17, 2004, by telling a policeman that his client had signed this document in his presence;

the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ.

2nd count: Between on or around March 26 and March 29, 2004, failing to demonstrate integrity, participating in an act that is derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in an act of practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by sending or having someone send to a real estate agent a statement from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) dated December 31, 2003, held by his client, whereas he knew or should have known that this statement had been partly modified, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ.

4th count: On or around April 18, 2005, making a false statement when providing information or documents during an investigation conducted by an assistant syndic, namely by making the following statement to an investigator: “I heard about the falsified RRSP from the real estate agent immediately after meeting with the investigator. I had not heard about it before from any source whatsoever”, the whole contrary to section 55 of Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ.

On December 15, 2006, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Pierre Paquette’s certificate for a period of six (6) months on count No. 1 of the complaint, a suspension of his certificate for a consecutive period of six (6) months on count No. 2, and a suspension of his certificate for a consecutive period of six (6) months on count No. 4, to become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement or the issuance of a certificate in any category.

The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. January 16, 2007. The suspension of Mr. Pierre Paquette’s affiliated real estate agent certificate will therefore become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement or the issuance of a certificate in any category, for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days.

This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1).

Brossard, January 16, 2007

Chantal Peltier
Discipline Committee Secretary