- File number
- 33-09-1227
- Licence number
- C1412
PRÉCISION CONCERNANT LA RÉFÉRENCE AU COURTIER DANS LES AVIS DE SUSPENSION Veuillez prendre note que la référence au courtier qui emploie ou autorise à agir le membre suspendu ne vise aucunement à laisser entendre que ce dernier était à l’emploi ou autorisé à agir pour ce même courtier au moment où il a commis les infractions pour lesquelles il a été déclaré coupable. La Loi sur le courtage immobilier et sa réglementation exigent que les avis de suspension de certificat réfèrent au lieu d’exercice du membre visé au moment de la suspension de son certificat ou, à défaut, à son dernier lieu d’exercice professionnel. Ce « lieu d’exercice » se trouve chez le courtier qui l’emploie ou l’autorise à agir ou à défaut, chez le dernier courtier l’ayant employé ou autorisé à agir. Cette mesure vise la protection du public qui doit être en mesure de bien identifier le membre dont le certificat fait l’objet d’une suspension. |
Notice of suspension and limitation
of the certificate of Mr. Marcel Larivière
File: 33-09-1227
NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Marcel Larivière, chartered real estate agent (Certificate No. C1412), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Les Immeubles GPI, chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. E3136), whose establishment was formerly located at 49 Saint-Onge St., in Salaberry de Valleyfield, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offence summarized below:
1st count: Between on or around the month of September 2006 and on or around the month of January 2007, regarding eleven (11) properties located in a complex, failing to take all reasonable means to ensure that an affiliated real estate agent employed by or authorized to act on behalf of a chartered real estate broker conform to the provisions of the Act and the regulations thereunder, namely by failing to ensure that the amounts received by the chartered real estate broker, on behalf of others and in the course of his duties, were deposited in a trust account;
thus committing, for each of these properties, an offence under sections 11 and 130 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act and under sections 1, 13 and 15 of the rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ.
On October 13, 2009, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Marcel Larivière’s certificate for a period of ninety (90) days on this count of the complaint and prohibited him, for a concurrent period of five (5) years, from being designated as member representative, member manager or assistant manager of a chartered real estate broker or from holding a chartered real estate broker natural person’s certificate and from signing any document relating to the management of a trust account and governed by the Real Estate Brokerage Act.
The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. November 17, 2009. The suspension of Mr. Marcel Larivière’s chartered real estate agent’s certificate is therefore effective as of November 17, 2009 for a period of ninety (90) days, and the limitations of professional activities for a period of five (5) years.
Should the defendant’s certificate be suspended or expired at the date of the appeals deadline, the suspension period shall become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement or issuance of any category of certificate.
This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1).
Brossard, November 17, 2009
Chantal Peltier
Discipline Committee Secretary