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File number
Licence number
Notice of suspension


File: 33-10-1336

NOTICE is hereby given that Marcel Angelosanto, former real estate broker (Licence No. A9514), whose establishment was located in Montréal, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) of the offences summarized below:

1st count: Beginning on or about June 8th 2009 :

a) concerning an immovable, did not disclose to the prospective buyer, that a «préavis d’exercice - Vente par le créancier» was registered at the index of immovables pertaining to said immovable;

b) concerning an immovable, did not disclose to the prospective buyer, that a «préavis d’exercice - prise en paiement» was registered at the index of immovables pertaining to said immovable;

committing for each and every one of the above paragraphs an offence to section 28 of the rules of Ethics of the ACAIQ.

2nd count: Beginning on or about June 8,th 2009, concerning two (2) immovables, accepted to represent the prospective buyers, on promises to purchase, while his company, was the owner of the said immovables;

committing an offence to section 5 of the Rules of Ethics of the ACAIQ.

5th count: Beginning on or about June 8th 2009, concerning two (2) immovables, requested or had request that the prospective buyers pay a deposit directly to his company, without recommending or informing them that they should deposit it into a trust account;

committing an offence to section 13 of the Rules of professional ethics of the ACAIQ.

7th count: Beginning at an unknown date but after June 8, 2009, concerning two (2) immovables, refused or neglected to remit to the prospective buyers the total sum received from them regarding each of the properties.

committing an offence to section 13 of the Rules of professional ethics of the ACAIQ.

8th count: At an unknown date but around or after June 22,nd 2009, concerning two (2) immovables, asked a bank representative to send him mortgage loans authorization, despite the fact that the latter informed him that the bank refused mortgage loans for the properties.

committing an offence to section 13 of the Rules of professional ethics of the ACAIQ.

9th count: Beginning on or about April 9th 2009, concerning two (2) immovables, did not take the necessary measures in order to prevent the loss or destruction of record, namely by allegedly leaving them into «boxes stored in the garage», the whole contrary to section 140 of the By-law of the ACAIQ.

On November 25, 2014, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Marcel Angelosanto’s real estate broker’s licence (Licence No. A9514) for a total period of six (6) months and one hundred and sixty-five (165) days.

Given that Marcel Angelosanto is no longer a licence holder, his licence will be suspended whenever he becomes a licence holder again.

This notice is given in accordance with section 33 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences (R.R.Q., c. C-73.2, r.3).

Brossard, January 27, 2015

Renée Dionne
Discipline Committee Secretary