- File number
- 33-12-1493
- Licence number
- E5336
- Decision
- Notice of suspension
File: 33-12-1493
NOTICE is hereby given that Kim Tsoj, former real estate broker (Licence No. E5336), whose establishment was located in Sainte-Julie, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) of the offences summarized below:
1st count: In Québec, while he knew or was introduced, on six occasions, to people for and in his capacity as mortgage broker, abused them by borrowing amounts of money from them on the basis of misrepresentations and/or by not reimbursing these amounts of money.
Thus committing, on each of these occasions, an offence under section 69 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising.
On September 22, 2014, the Discipline Committee ordered the permanent suspension of the real estate broker’s licence (Licence No. E5336) on counts Nos. 1 a), b), c), d), e) and f) of the formal complaint.
Given that Kim Tsoj is no longer a licence holder, his licence will be suspended permanently whenever he becomes a licence holder again.
This notice is given in accordance with section 33 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences (R.R.Q., c. C-73.2, r.3).
Brossard, September 26, 2014
Renée Dionne
Discipline Committee Secretary