- File number
- 33-13-1545
- Licence number
- C6457
- Decision
- Notice of suspension
File: 33-13-1545
NOTICE is hereby given that Jean-Claude Levasseur, former real estate broker, licence No. C6457, whose establishment was located in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, has notably been found guilty by the OACIQ Discipline Committee of the offences summarized below:
Count 3: In Quebec, on two occasions, on February 9 and March 30, 2010, issued or allowed someone to issue, without permission, invoices whose GST and QST numbers were those of a real estate broker who had already employed him or authorized him to act on his behalf.
Count 4: In Quebec, on five occasions, between June 2 and August 5, 2010, issued or allowed someone to issue, without permission, invoices whose GST and QST numbers were those of a real estate agency that had already employed him or authorized him to act on its behalf.
Count 5: In Repentigny, on or around September 22, 2010, having appropriated an amount of money equal to the amount of taxes contained in an invoice whose GST and QST numbers were those of a real estate agency that had already employed him or authorized him to act on its behalf.
Counts 6a and 6b: On two occasions, on or around December 13, 2010, in Repentigny, falsely told an inspector that he had been victim of a sewer backup and omitted to tell an inspector that he had been evicted from an immovable in Repentigny.
Count 7: Between or around September 21, 2011 and on or around February 29, 2012, left his registers and/or records in a warehouse located in Saint-Joseph-du-Lac.
Count 8: In Quebec, encouraged illegal practice of broker activity by a company which was not an OACIQ licence holder when the events described below took place:
b) on or around November 18, 2011, by receiving compensation sent on behalf of a company and consecutively to a financing application transmitted on or around May 7, 2011;
c) on or around March 13, 2012, by receiving compensation sent on behalf of the same company.
Counts 9a, 9b and 9c: On three occasions, in Boisbriand, on or around September 22, 2011, concerning the financing of an immovable, issued or allowed someone to issue an invoice on behalf of a real estate agency, while he knew or should have known that his real estate broker licence was not associated with said real estate agency, that the GST and QST numbers indicated in the invoice were not those of said real estate agency, and that the GST and QST numbers indicated in the invoice were not those of the real estate agency that employed him or authorized him to act on its behalf.
On May 30, 2016, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Jean-Claude Levasseur’s licence No. C6457 for a period of 365 days, to be served whenever he becomes a licence holder again.
This notice is given in accordance with section 33 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences (R.R.Q., c. C-73.2, r.3).
Brossard, August 26, 2016
Renée Dionne
Discipline Committee Secretary