- File number
- 33-14-1710
- Licence number
- C9860
- Decision
- Notice of suspension
File: 33-14-1710
NOTICE is hereby given that Raymond-Noël Vaillancourt, former real estate broker (Licence No. C9860), whose establishment was located in St-André-Avellin, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) of the offences summarized below:
1st count: Between on or about February 4, 2012 and on or around March 16, 2012, concerning an immovable:
a) Did not ensure that the promising buyers are informed that the immovable had been used to grow cannabis;
b) Did not objectively advise and inform the promising buyers of the consequences that may arise from the said cannabis cultivation;
thus committing as to count 1a) an offence under section 83 and as to count 1b) an offence under section 85 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising.
2nd count: During an investigation conducted by the assistant syndic, concerning an immovable, falsely declared:
a) on or about January 13, 2014, that he had informed the promising buyers that the immovable had been used to grow cannabis;
b) on or about March 10, 2014, that he had gone through the declaration by the seller of the immovable “item-by-item” with the promising buyers and that they had even reminded him two or three times because they had questions in this regard;
Thus committing, on each of these occasions, an offence under section 106 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising.
On January 8, 2015, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Raymond-Noël Vaillancourt’s real estate broker’s licence (Licence No. C9860) for a period of thirty (30) days on each of counts No. 1a) and 1b) of the complaint, to be served concurrently with each other, and for a period of sixty (60) days on each of counts No. 2a) and 2b), to be served concurrently with each other, but consecutively with the suspension periods ordered on counts No. 1a) and 1b), for a total period ninety (90) days.
Given that Raymond-Noël Vaillancourt is no longer a licence holder, his licence will be suspended for a period of 90 days whenever he becomes a licence holder again.
This notice is given in accordance with section 33 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences (R.R.Q., c. C-73.2, r.3).
Brossard, February 13, 2015
Renée Dionne
Discipline Committee Secretary