- File number
- 33-17-2052
- Licence number
- D2745
- Decision
- Notice of imposition of restrictions or conditions
File: 33-17-2052
NOTICE is hereby given that Guy Lalonde, real estate broker, licence No. D2745, whose establishment was located in Sherbrooke, has notably been found guilty by the OACIQ Discipline Committee of the offences summarized below:
Count 1b:As of January 26, 2015, while he was acting as an executive officer of a real estate agency, failed to ensure that the registers and records are kept and updated in accordance with the Regulation respecting records, books and registers, trust accounting and inspection of brokers and agencies.
Count 2a and 2b: Between or around November 18, 2015 and March 16, 2016, while acting as agency executive officer, allowed and/or encouraged and/or tolerated that a person who is not an OACIQ licence holder carries out mortgage brokerage transactions, in the process of steps taken to obtain a loan secured by immovable hypothec for two borrowers.
Count 3: In the process of steps taken to obtain a loan secured by immovable hypothec for borrowers:
a) on or around February 16, 2016, signed the “Identity verification” form, falsely suggesting that he had checked the identity of said borrowers;
b) at an unknown date, but likely on or around February 23, 2016, falsely testified to the borrowers’ signature on the "instruction letter" document;
c) on or around February 24, 2016, falsely testified to the borrowers’ signature on the document “divulgation des honoraires d'intermédiation”.
On April 23, 2018, the Discipline Committee imposed a permanente restriction on Guy Lalonde’s licence No. D2745 taking effect as of May 25, 2018 by prohibiting him from acting as an agency executive officer.
This notice is given in accordance with section 33 of the Regulation respecting the issue of broker’s and agency licences(R.R.Q., c. C-73.2, r.3).
Brossard, May 25, 2018
Christiane Moreau
Discipline Committee Assistant Secretary